
The goal of this topical study on the fruits of the Spirit is twofold; we want to define and produce each one in our lives. The fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5 give us a practical understanding of what the Christian life looks like. All of these fruits are attributes that come directly from God’s heart and work, but in order for them to be produced in us, it requires obedience on our end. For example, God can provide the land, the good soil, the tools, the seeds, and the water; but if I do not put the appropriate work into the garden, nothing will be produced. So God has equipped us Christians through His Holy Spirit with everything that we need to produce fruit for the Kingdom, but we have to be obedient to produce and enjoy a harvest.

Here’s the reality - we’re all slaves. We’re either slaves to the world, or slaves to God. There is no middle ground either (Matt 6:24). As much as you may value your personal freedom, you still have a master. As Paul lays out in Galatians 5, we are either obedient to the flesh, or are obedient to the Spirit. So, we as God’s people, who have been marked with the seal of His Spirit, have to fight moment by moment everyday, to choose obedience to Christ. 

  • At this season in your walk with Jesus, if you’re honest with yourself, who is your master most of the time?

Fruit #2 - Joy

Contrary to what the world says of following Jesus, obeying His Spirit is actually fun. There is so much joy and fulfillment when we deny the cravings of the flesh, and embrace the desires of the Holy Spirit. In an increasingly joyless world, we need to specifically show them the fruit of joy that God produces in His people.

What is Joy?

Again, our definitions of terms are very important. If we’re called to produce joy in our lives as Christians, we should have a solid, working definition. The Bible doesn’t give a direct definition of joy, but we can use wisdom and the whole counsel of Scripture to come to a healthy understanding of it. 

My friend Dr. Dave Carolan is an expert in the field of Christian joy. He wrote his dissertation on the subject, and started a ministry called Joy Restart, which strives to restore joy in individuals, organizations, and churches. In a radio interview that he did, he listed off some core principles of biblical joy that I thought would be beneficial for us. He said,

-Joy is always related to a relationship, not just circumstantial.

-Joy is an emotion, yet it serves as a catalyst for spiritual transformation, 

-Happiness is fleeting, coming and going. Joy remains within you.

John Piper has his own definition, saying "Christian joy is a good feeling in the soul, produced by the Holy Spirit, as he causes us to see the beauty of Christ in the word and in the world."

If I had to give my own definition based off Scripture, I would say that joy is an emotional state of pleasure and contentment that can only come from God 

- This might sound crazy, but joy is SUPERNATURAL

- Isn’t it great that the Holy Spirit in you should produce pleasure? Jesus wants you to be full of joy - really!

Joy = Jesus.

Joy is found in Jesus, so don’t waste your time searching elsewhere. Jesus rescued us from death and has given us divine purpose, this should bring us joy. Just like love, truth, and life, Jesus is the embodiment of joy.

Questions for reflection

  • How much joy do you have in the Lord at this moment in your life? 

  • How’s supernatural pleasure and contentment shining through in your life?

How do we produce it in our lives?

The action form of the word joy is rejoice. Christians are commanded to actively have joy. Jesus commands His followers in the Sermon on the Mount to choose joy, even when they are persecuted by liars and slanderers. (Matt 5:11-13) 

When the Lord commands us to do something, we must obey or there are natural consequences. Obeying the flesh brings natural consequences. Obeying the Spirit brings supernatural blessings.

  • Have you seen the consequences of not choosing joy in your life?

When you don’t choose joy - bitterness, envy, and a lack of faith are all the types of results we get.

Joy is a feeling

A God-given feeling. So let that sink in - we are commanded to feel certain ways! This is hard in a “do what feels good” society, but through the Holy Spirit’s power, we can thrive and use our emotions for His glory.

Joy comes from the presence of God

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. - Psalm 16:11

God is actually with us (Matt 1:23), and there are pleasures forever with God. That is true now, not just in Heaven. Our joy will be ‘complete’ (John 15:11) one day face to face with Christ, but we have obtained the joy of Jesus the moment we believed.

When we abide in His presence, we produce Holy Spirit fruit

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. 9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. - John 15:5-10

4 Things to highlight on joy and spiritual fruit from this text.

  1. Apart from Jesus, we can’t produce any fruit of the Spirit, let alone be joyful in this life.

  2. If we want to produce the fruit of joy in our lives, we must abide/remain in the Lord’s presence.

  3. If you feel far from God, He has not moved, you have. Joy didn’t leave you, you left joy.

  4. If you have left joy, turn back to the loving arms of the Father, and experience real joy.

Joy is supernatural, so it doesn’t always come natural to us 

-We have to make the choice to be joyful, hence the command to rejoice in the first place.

-Real joy from the Holy Spirit can blow the minds of people around us. We CAN watch God produce it in the face of awful circumstances.

Joy in the trials

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds - James 1:2

-We can have joy, because we know that the trial is producing something good. 

Joy at the end trials

Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. - Hebrews 12:2

-The joy was set before Him, He knew it was coming.

-Like Jesus, we know what we’re here for on earth, and we know how it all ends. We can persevere and look forward to the joy that’s coming.

Maybe you’re going through a trial and joy seems impossible. Remember this: 

-God gives joy, Satan takes it away

-Fight for it and don’t give up. 

-Share your struggles so that Christians can encourage you when joy is tested

-Pray for God to “restore the joy in your heart as David did in Psalm 52:12

In summary

  1. Joy is a supernatural feeling of pleasure and contentment we get from Jesus Christ.

  2. We see the fruit of joy by remaining close to Christ, repenting, and actively choosing to take pleasure in God rather than the things or circumstances around us.

Questions for reflection

  • In what types of situations do you experience joy? What brings you joy?

  • When do you feel like your joy is taken away from you?

  • What are ways you can rejoice even when it's difficult?



